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Cooking Plant-Based With Poor Culinary Skills – PTP168


Cooking plant-based for some people is hard enough because they have poor culinary skills. Changing your routine and learning to use new ingredients and equipment can be very overwhelming for even a seasoned home cook. A lot of people hold back on making healthier choices because they are just too scared of the how. They can’t wrap their head around what to do and what to make. If this sounds like you, I’m calling you out on this one. Just do it. Make a change and if you slip up you slip up. This is how you learn. Trial and error. Let go of the mistakes and look at how you can do better next time. Improving your culinary skills is like learning how to swim.


This week’s question:

Stacey Asks: “Hey Plant Trainers, I am really looking to go plant-based, but my culinary skills are a little embarrassing. How do I keep this from holding me back?”


Links to things we mentioned:

Amrita Bars – Use “PlantTrainers” at check-out for 15% off your order

Get 10% off your Healthfest 2017 Tickets by using the code “PlantTrainers” at checkout

Meal Planning Mastery

21 Day Plant-Powered Party


Thank you to this month’s Patrons for supporting us on Patreon:


Millie Pearson

Stu Dolnick

Mary Lou Fusi


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Don’t forget to contact us at info@planttrainers.com with your question for our “Hey Plant Trainers” segment!


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