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A Cup Of Tea



I’ve been so fortunate to encounter many wonderful people in my life to date.  Some of which have influenced me in ways they don’t even know.  I attempt to attract positive, open-minded people into my life and do my very best to learn from them…and I have learned a lot yet still have so much more to learn.Sometimes I encounter people that are very narrow minded and believe that what they are doing is the only way things can be done.  This brings me to a story I will share with you that is a version of one that was brought to me by a great Judo instructor.

A Cup of Tea

“Nan-in, a Japanese master during the Meiji era (1868-1912), received a university professor who came to inquire about Zen.
Nan-in served tea. He poured his visitor’s cup full, and then kept on pouring.
The professor watched the overflow until he no longer could restrain himself. “It is overfull. No more will go in!”
“Like this cup,” Nan-in said, “you are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?”
Life is full of opportunities for all of us.  We have a lot to learn and there are so many great people we can learn from.  In order to benefit as much as we can, we must be willing to set our egos aside and realize that even when we think we know something…there is usually a different angle that can provide us with more incite.
Open your mind…the possibilities are endless…
First, empty your cup.


~ Plant Trainers


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