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New Year’s Resolution

As the New Year quickly approaches and your resolutions are being formulated, I want you to consider the following opportunity.

Many resolutions are focused on health. Many resolutions are made and not followed through on. If you have a resolution this year of becoming a healthier person, this may be for you!

Last year I ran in the Mississauga Marathon and in preparing for the event, the training I went through was quite intense and a great experience. This year, as my New Year’s resolution, I want to help as many people become healthier by encouraging and helping them train and participate in the the Mississauga Marathon May 15, 2011. www.mississaugamarathon.com

Now you may be saying to yourself…”there’s no way I’m participating in a Marathon!” or “is Adam crazy?”.

I’m not asking you to participate and train for a full Marathon. However, I am going to encourage you to join me May 15, 2011 at the Mississauga Marathon as a participant in any of their events.
They have a 2K Family fun run/walk, 5K, 10K, Half-Marathon, Full Marathon and a Team relay.

No matter what age or level of fitness you are currently in, there is plenty of time for you to prepare for one of these events.

I’ll encourage you, help you set up a training plan, motivate you throughout your training, and see you at the event.
You can use http://www.facebook.com/targettrainers to communicate with others that are joining me on this endeavor and I will also help you keep track of your training and progress.

I sincerely hope you will consider joining me…have a safe, happy and healthy New Year!