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Relaxation For The Mind And Body – PTP481

PTP481 US relaxation

In the episode of the Plant Trainers Podcast, we’re diving deep into relaxation techniques that can work wonders for your mind and body. We’re all about keeping things easy-going yet highly effective. We’ll be talking about 10 relaxation methods that we not only teach our clients but also swear by ourselves. These methods encompass ideas to engage all your senses and some you might not have thought of before. It’s incredible how something as small and simple as these techniques can create a substantial impact. The magic happens when you’re more relaxed. Not only will your mind and body thank you, but you can also expect better relationships, heightened productivity, improved athletic performance, a greater sense of self-love, and an overall boost in your quality of life.

You don’t have to try all 10 at once. In fact, we encourage you to pick just one or two that resonate with you, something that genuinely speaks to your soul. You see, building a routine and allowing these practices to become a part of your daily life takes time. It’s a gradual process, and the impact of these techniques tends to accumulate over time. Don’t be too quick to disregard any of them. Give yourself the space and the grace to explore what works best for you, and remember, you can always come back, listen again, and add another layer of relaxation to your journey. Your well-being is worth the time and effort, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Reach out at info@planttrainers.com for more information and we will give you or a friend a free 30 min consultation.

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In this episode we discuss: 


Links to things we mentioned:

Sign up for our newsletter – get our Plant-Based Comfort Foods FREE

USA Relaxation Pack

Canada Relaxation Pack

Request info or free consult on Redox here: info@planttrainers.com

Have a look at redox before you contact us: discoverRedox.com

Order now talk later: Planttrainers.teamasea.com

Shoshana Chaim – WebisteFacebookInstagram

Powering Your Redox Potential with Shoshana Chaim – PTP438

Plant Trainers Amazon Storefront

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Millie Pearson

Mary Lou Fusi

Spanish Armada

Mark Jeffrey Johnson

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