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Shoshana’s Amazing Gluten-Free Cookies!

If you’re looking for something sweet…these gluten-free cookies are awesome!






  1. Preheat the oven to 350
  2. In a small bowl mix flax and water together
  3. Refrigerate for 10-30 min in the fridge
  4. This will give the flax mixture time to rest and imitate the egg in the recipe



  1. In a bowl mix all the dry ingredients together
  2. Mix the wet ingredients in another bowl and add egg mixture when it is ready
  3. If you are adding the chocolate chips…now is the time



  1. Mix both dry and wet ingredients together. You may need to use your hands
  2. Scoop dough one tablespoon at a time and roll into a ball
  3. Press down slightly and leave ample space between cookies
  4. Bake for 10 min and slightly browned
  5. Do not over bake


For Hamentashen:


~ Plant Trainers

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