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The Psychology of Healthy Habits with Dr. Jen Howk – PTP334

PTP334 - Dr Jen Howk

In this episode of The Plant Trainers Podcast, we talk with Dr. Jen Howk, lecturer and psychology coach at the TrueNorth Health Center. We unwrap the psychology of healthy habits, sustaining a plant-based lifestyle and the pleasure trap. We explore emotional eating, how making mistakes is part of the process and why a B+ is so much better than an A. This conversation is upbeat and fun, but it will also help you understand some familiar concepts in a much different way. We really get deep into why we make the choices we do.

Dr. Jen Howk is an author, researcher, and psychology coach. She earned her B.A. from the University of Washington in Seattle and completed her M.A. and Ph.D. at Harvard University. She is a born and raised Alaskan, but now calls Santa Rosa, California home, where she works at the TrueNorth Health Center as a lecturer and psychology coach. Her clinical work is rooted in powerful insights and tools from evolutionary psychology, particularly the “Esteem Dynamics” framework she has developed with Dr. Doug Lisle. Her clinical interests are wide-ranging, but she is especially passionate about helping clients through problems of esteem processes, romantic misery, addiction and recovery, and mastering the pathways of human motivation.
Please be sure to share this with anyone who is trying to make healthy changes in their life, plant-based or not.


In this episode we discuss:


Links to things we mentioned:

Speak to Shoshana about Redox Signaling Molecules – Shoshana is giving out a complimentary call for anyone who would like to know more


Dr. Jen Howk – Website, Instagram, Twitter

TrueNorth Health Centre

Esteem Dynamics

Becoming Unprocessed with Celebrity Chef AJ – PTP129

Ultimate Weight Loss with Chef AJ – PTP211

The Game Changers, Meat, Protein and Strength with James Wilks – PTP320

Plant Trainers Amazon Storefront

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