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Healthy Picnic Ideas with Adam and Shoshana Chaim – PTP473

PTP473 US picnic

In this episode of The Plant Trainers Podcast, we talk about healthy plant-based picnic ideas. Whether you are hiking, exploring a city, driving to your favourite park or headed to the backyard treehouse, there are so many amazing healthy foods you can prepare for a picnic. Having a plant-based picnic is a fantastic way to enjoy delicious and healthy food while connecting with nature. One of the best parts about plant-based food is it is less likely to spoil in the hot weather and you may even find some great additions to the picnic bag along the way like berry bushes and fruit trees. Just always make sure you know what you are picking so that it is not poisonous. 

Adam Chaim is a volleyball coach, personal trainer, running and triathlon coach and plant-based nutritionist and lifestyle coach.He enjoys helping his clients reach their full potentials and realize that they are strong, determined and they can do anything they want to do.

Shoshana Chaim works with strong women and their families to guide them on their holistic health journeys by meeting them where they are so they can improve cellular communication and achieve their health and life goals with confidence. As a health expert and Redox Specialist, she also teaches tools to health practitioners globally and entrepreneurs so together they can make the world a healthier and happier place. At this time it is looking to train 3 new people, like you, to help bring this safe, non-toxic Redox technology across the world.

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In this episode we discuss: 


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Mock Chicken Salad

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Spanish Armada

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