Strength Training, Powerlifting and The Mental Edge with Alex Ciccone – PTP243 20


Alex CicconeIn today’s episode of The Plant Trainers Podcast we talk to Alex Ciccone about strength training, powerlifting and the mental edge. Alex has an amazing presence in the Instagram world and we have been following each other for a while. We were able to meet face to face at the Animal Justice event in December and immediately hit it off.

Today we talked about a few interesting things. We talked about his journey to Veganism, his soccer career and how he got into men’s physique and powerlifting competitions. We hit the topics of nutrition for building muscle as well as the “P” word…protein. Whether you’re 15 or 50 there is something to be taken away in this episode. It’s a good share for anyone who hits the gym.

Alex Ciccone is a vegan lifestyle social media influencer who found his love for spreading awareness soon after going vegan over 4 years ago. His primary reason was for the ethical treatment of animals. Alex provides education and entertainment through different creative content across Instagram, his blog, Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat (and coming soon a YouTube channel). Whether it be vegan infographics, news stories, memes and everything between, for Alex it’s about keeping things positive and loving. He wants to not only align with vegan values, but also to reach as many individuals as possible and help in their journey to being or becoming vegan.

Alex has a particular interest in fitness as he grew up playing competitive level soccer. After falling in love with strength training, he became a certified personal trainer. Fitness is a very important part in his story of becoming vegan – as he uses this motivation to debunk the myth that vegans are “weak and malnourished”. That lead Alex to compete in a men’s physique competition as a vegan and pursue powerlifting. At the end of the day it is always about spreading awareness for Alex – to show all the amazingness that the vegan lifestyle has to offer!


In this episode we discuss:

  • Win, win, win
  • Growing up playing soccer
  • Animal-based protein
  • The vegan journey and people’s reactions
  • The fluffy bunny
  • The mental edge and change
  • Teens and making good choices
  • Complete protein
  • Men’s physique and powerlifting
  • Supplements
  • Creatine
  • Infographics
  • Hunger cues
  • How can parents help?
  • How can teens help?
  • Finding your why


Links to things we mentioned:

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Vegans Are Weak and Malnourished – 1 Rep Max Test 


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20 thoughts on “Strength Training, Powerlifting and The Mental Edge with Alex Ciccone – PTP243

  • Ethan Rotstein

    I really enjoyed listening to this podcast, and found it to be very informative and helpful in understanding how being vegan can coincide with strength training and muscle building. Being a younger teenager, I have grown up hearing about the importance of having a good amount of protein in my diet in order to allow for proper growth. However, I have been under the impression that this protein usually comes from animal-based diets. So whenever I thought I needed more protein, it would usually come from chicken and beef. After listening to this podcast I have learned that protein can come from so many other places and that as long as you plan out a proper diet you can get a proper amount of protein from eating so many different foods. Not only did I learn from this podcast that not all of my protein must come from meats, but I learned that eating on a plant-based diet can actually increase my energy during workouts and allow my body to feel better. One part of the podcast I agreed with, was when the “Win, Win, Win” concept was talked about. The three wins in this are (in no particular order) Animal rights, personal health, helping the environment. I recently went on a trip to Kenya. On this trip, along with my family, we went on a week-long safari. Throughout the week we did not have access to wifi, and we unable to make contact with anyone else outside of the camp. This allowed me to really appreciate the wildlife and nature of our world. I saw so many different animals living freely in the environment and was also able to experience how beautiful the nature was there with minimal pollution and waste. This really helped to show me that animals and nature should be taken care of with more responsibility to fully appreciate what they have to offer. This is why the “Win, Win, Win” concept makes sense. There are not a lot of bad things that come out of being vegan, so as Shoshana said, it is a great thing to try because you cant lose anything from trying it and have so much you can gain.

    • admin Post author

      You must’ve had such a wonderful experience seeing animals live in the wild. We can learn so much from them. Thanks for listening to the show! Let us know how things go for you in your vegan experience!

  • Dylan Gudofsky

    I found your podcast to be very interesting and informative. I’m still unfamiliar and new to this material. As a teenager and new to weight training, gaining muscle mass, and trying to eat healthy I thought that it gave me insight into a very new field. Before listening to this process, I always thought that the best and primary way to eat protein was through meat, chicken and fish. I didn’t realize that you can eat the same amount of protein, if not more just based off a plant-based diet. In addition to hearing how much protein we can attain from plants, it also amazed me how going on a plant-based diet can boost our everyday lives. As was mentioned in the podcast, my perception of vegans were weak and malnourished people. It was never conceivable that anyone could be capable of bodybuilding just off a plant-based diet. Something I both agree and disagree with is the “Win, Win, Win” idea. I believe that living a healthy lifestyle, saving the environment and animals are important. However, the notion of completely cutting out animal products whether meat, or byproducts is still foreign to me. I think that in human society, consuming animal meat and byproducts is OK, ONLY if the animal is being treated well prior to and during the process. Although I don’t fully agree with the “Win, Win, Win” concept, down the road when I need a new routine in my daily life, being vegan and using this concept can be a possibility. Overall I still very much enjoyed listening to the podcast and found it very informing, definitely would listen to it again!

    • admin Post author

      Interesting Dylan and thanks for your comments. Even if the animals are treated well prior to the process…how are they being treated during the process of becoming your food…is that really ok?

  • Gabe Muskat

    Wow! This podcast was so enjoyable to listen to while learning tons of information at the same time. As a teenager, some of the stereotypes about being vegan are not very positive and do not make vegans seem as ‘strong’ or ‘tough’ as someone who eats meat. Although, after listening, my thoughts have completely changed. As a young child, I have been athletic and have played on many different sports teams. I remember vividly that coaches would tell the team to eat meat-based protein before and after the games. When thinking of what to eat before a hockey game, my parents would immediately think of meat-based protein such as chicken or beef. This podcast has really informed me on the other ways to get protein such as broccoli or fruit. I really enjoyed the question about how the friends, gym buddy’s and parents of Alex reacted when hearing that he wanted to go vegetarian and then eventually vegan. When I think of someone being vegan I assume that the reason for them becoming vegan is because of the animals; Although I have been informed of all of the other positive reasons to become vegan. The mental part of things was what really stood out to me. I would have never thought that the way you eat can affect the way you think and the way you cope with things. Another thing that really stood out to me is when Alex stated that supplements are just supplements. I have always been very curious about this because I always see people after the gym drinking protein powder and not food. I have been wondering for a while what a professional would say about drinking protein shakes rather than getting that nutrients from food. I would definitely consider trying to be vegan for 30 or 60 days now knowing everything that being vegan can do for me!

    • admin Post author

      Gabe, it’s nice to hear you picked up some interesting and helpful tips from this one. It’s truly incredible how important the food we put into our body really is and the impact it can make. Thanks for listening!

  • Josh Satov

    This podcast was so fascinating! I thought that hearing the story of Alex and his life’s experience was interesting as he can relate to training before and after the switch to a vegan diet. I discovered the true values of the vegan diet through the three win concept, which I thought really applies and covers all aspects of the vegan culture. One of the most surprising things that Alex said that connected with me was the fact that he said the mental benefits of switching to being a vegan were more impactful then the physical benefits. This included feeling happier overall and being extra motivated to complete his goals. I also thought that the conversation about the use of creatine and its uses was interesting and that there are vegan supplement options that are made from soil and other natural ingredients. I loved the conflicting story Alex told of his families strong Italian meat eating background and how he approached his family about his dietary change and how they came to accept it over time. I also found it interesting how his workout friends were more accepting then his parents of his vegan diet. The fluffy bunny story was interesting as it is an eye opening moment that helps you to connect with your values. Overall this podcast was very thought-provoking and was very relatable for me as an athlete. I definitely am left with many takeaway ideas to think about in order to improve my personal health and life. Thanks Plant Trainers!

    • admin Post author

      Thanks Josh, glad you were able to grab a few important nuggets from this one that you can implement in your life. Alex is very inspirational and is spreading a great message!

  • Jacob Nadal

    I really enjoyed listening to your podcast! I feel that I now have a much better understanding of what it means to be vegan and why people choose to be vegan. When I think of protein, my mind immediately goes to meats such as chicken or steak. I never really considered that there are so many non-meat, protein-rich options. I was curious of how vegans are able to maintain a healthy lifestyle despite having a limited selection of food compared to those who choose not to be vegan, though now I understand that vegans aren’t really limited. The idea that someone who’s vegan can enjoy a delicious taco night like anyone else would seemed bizarre to me before, though now I understand that there are ways to substitute the meat. I’m glad that Alex touched on the potential issues that come with telling your parents that you want to be vegan. Overall I really enjoyed listening to this podcast and I’m glad that I took this opportunity to open my mind to a different concept.

  • Jared Simpson

    I found this podcast extremely interesting and useful. Being new to weight-training and trying to improve my physique, I have heard about many of the important parts it takes including eating properly, especially protein. It makes complete sense to transition to veganism. The only reason people don’t is their mindset and not containing the will-power to make the transition. This podcast provides great reasons to try veganism, but again, it is all about the will-power and determination to make a change.

    • admin Post author

      Thanks for tuning in – glad you found some helpful information. It does have a lot to do with mindset and willingness to make a change.

  • Ryan Morrow

    What a fascinating podcast! I was originally drawn to this podcast because of it’s title, “Strength Training, Powerlifting and The Mental Edge”. I felt that all these topics hit the exact points that I was hoping to further my knowledge in. I was not expecting to gain so much from this podcast, whether it was further insight into competitive athletics, the simplicity of veganism or supplements, this podcast offered so much than the title entails. I am glad that this podcast was able to open my eyes to the life of a vegan. If anything, it has showed me that there is no need to feel discouraged if I ever have the urge to live, or at least attempt a vegan lifestyle. It is a lifestyle that like anything, takes work, however, as Alex demonstrates there are several ways to make it simple and fulfilling all at the same time.

  • Yuval Smith

    Sick guitar intro, set the tone for the next 50 minutes. I found this podcast very interesting. I found Alex’s progression in becoming a vegan pretty inspiring, and his change in mindset on the way was definitely a key point when listening. Overall, I found the podcast to be very informative, and Alex to be very inspiring.

    10/10 would listen again. 🙂

    Thank you.

  • Max Yermus

    I found this podcast very educational and intriguing. I have seen a huge uprising on plant-based diets or athletes just cutting meat out of their lives and now, after listening to The Plant Trainers Podcast I feel the urge to give it a try as well. Overall, this I found this podcast to be very eye-opening and gave me an advanced understanding of the benefits both physically and mentally in switching to the vegan diet. Great podcast!

  • Jonny Gozlan

    This episode was truly amazing, and at the same time super educational. I am an eleventh grade student and the thought of being a vegan or plant-based eater never crosses my mind. However, now I’ve learned that through this healthy lifestyle change, not only is one protecting animal rights and benefiting his/her personal health, but above that one is brightening his/her everyday life and gaining energy (better moods).

    • admin Post author

      Thanks for listening to the show! It’s amazing how much impact there is when it comes to the food on our plates!