Do You Suffer From IBS?

IBS1Do you suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)? Don’t be too sure…

Doctors are using IBS as an excuse for not digging deep into the diet and lifestyle to find the real problem. It is easier for them that way…but not for you.

If you think you need medication, or you need to just live in pain, with bloating, with continuously excusing yourself to go to the bathroom, you may want to think again.

Sharon came to us in tears. No matter what she ate she had an upset stomach. It was getting embarrassing and she did not like to go to people’s houses for very long. Socializing became a stressor in her life and it used to be something that she enjoyed.

Sharon’s diet wasn’t awful. She ate low-fat yogurt, salads from the deli counter, white meat from the chicken and fruit and vegetables. Sometimes she would indulge in some fast food and she did go to restaurants for family night.

We suspected that her problem was not IBS, but it had to do more with what she was eating, the way her food was being prepared and the additives from the food she was choosing to eat.

She wanted to try and natural approach instead of having to take medication and live with this long-term. We eliminated some foods from her diet, replaced some with more natural foods that were optimal for her age and her metabolism. She used our step-by-step plan to a plant-based diet that she was able to follow with ease. We also helped her with some strategies for managing her stress.

Within days she felt better. Within weeks she was able to go about her daily routines without pain, without bloating, and without having to embarrassingly run to the bathroom. She got her life back gained confidence and took control of her own body.

If you or someone in your family are struggling with IBS, weight gain, maybe even in insomnia or ADHD, you owe it to yourself have an expert analyze what you were putting it into your body and your family’s body so that you can stop the damage that is being done.

I believe so strongly in this, I’d be happy to do it for you for free. If you are a mom and are looking to use a plant-based diet as a remedy for illness, you may qualify for a FREE 30-minute conversation. I have some time set aside in the next couple of days to go through every aspect of your family’s diet and give you specific recommendations for what you can do next.

Click HERE to book a free session with me. I look forward to talking to you soon!

If you’re a MOM looking to become more plant-based, why not join our Facebook Group?

~ Plant Trainers

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