5 Life-Changing Tips for Dads This Father’s Day

5 Tips eBook for DadsMan I tell you, “How To Make Time For All You Want To Do In Your Life Even If You Have A Full Time Job & A Family” is a serious challenge that ALL Dads face and here are some answers, just in time for Father’s Day!

These days, we listen to podcasts, audiobooks, read books, or watch movies and TV shows that depict the ideal middle aged person being able to do the unimaginable…quitting their job and pursuing their true passion.

These people seem to pursue their true passion without needing money, relationships or support. They tend to say that they can simply leave what they’re doing and go do what they really and truly want to do.

Listening to these things provided me with so much inspiration and drive that I thought for a moment about doing exactly what they did. Until I realized a few things. It all sounded great, motivational and ideal…theoretically. However, if we dive a bit deeper into their lives, we may realize that those people saying and doing many of those things, are very different from the many of us who are listening, reading about or watching these people. They seem like heroes and role models, but the fact is that they are not in the same nor similar position that we are. Many of them don’t have a family to support and that is a real game changer.

As a Dad myself, I know how important it is to spend time with my kids and at the same time provide for my family. It’s a serious challenge to find the balance between family, work and play.

That’s why I wrote this short eBook…to share my “5 Life-Changing Tips For Dads” that have really helped me navigate the realm of fatherhood and just in time for Father’s Day.

You can pick up this great gift to pass on to any Dad looking to find some balance in his life.

I may be a bit early, but…Happy Father’s Day!

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