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PTP497 - Josh Dech IBS
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In this episode of The Plant Trainers Podcast, we talk with Josh Dech about whether or not IBS, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, is really a thing. We explore the world of healing and ask the question: Is IBS really as it seems? We break down the differences between IBS and IBD, like Crohn’s and Colitis, in easy-to-understand terms. Learn why IBS is so common and why some doctors believe conditions like Crohn’s and Colitis can’t be reversed. Join us as we navigate this journey together and find out where to start on the road to better health.

Josh is an ex-paramedic and Holistic Nutritionist, specializing in Crohn’s and Colitis, and other related gut issues. It was the successes his clients have had with complex digestive diseases, previously thought to be impossible to fix, that got him connected to some of the world’s most renowned Doctors. Since then, he’s been recruited to the Priority Health Academy as a medical lecturer, helping educate doctors on the holistic approach to gut health, and inflammatory bowel disease.

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In this episode we discuss: 

  • Finding the purpose of healing
  • Is IBS a real thing?
  • IBS and IBD
  • What is Crohn’s and Colitis
  • Functional diagnosis
  • Root cause and residual damage
  • Prevalence of IBS and why
  • Why do doctors think they can’t reverse Crohn’s and Colitis
  • Where to start today


Links to things we mentioned:

Pre-order Shoshana’s new book – I Am a Courageous Cub

Josh Dech – Website, Instagram, Facebook

Join Josh’s Skool Community

The Fiber Paradox and Histamine Foods with Dr Will Bulsiewicz – PTP443

The Impact of Illness on The Gut with Dr. Vanessa Mendez – PTP411

Leaky Gut and SIBO with James and Dahlia Marin – PTP346

Colitis and Your Gut Microbiome with Dr. Angie Sadeghi – PTP339

Probiotics & Fermentation with the HappyGutMD, Dr. Will Bulsiewicz – PTP219

Your Gut Microbiome and Health with Dr. Chiti Parikh – PTP204

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