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Normally on this segment we answer a listener’s question, but today all we want to wish you all a Happy New Year! We are so grateful for all the listeners, the guests we’ve had on the show, our Patreon contributors and all the amazing things we’ve learned from podcasting with each other. This is the first show going into our 3rd year podcasting! Thanks for taking the ride with us.

We never need an excuse to take on a new challenge or make a change in our lives, but often new years seems like the perfect time to do that. So…Happy New Year!


Here are 5 tips for a healthier new year:

  1. Be forgiving to yourself. We are not giving you permission to skip every meal and eat bags of chips for lunches daily. We are just telling you to be mindful of your actions. See what you need to learn from that experience and then let it go. Holding on will only keep the negative energy flowing.
  2. Ramp up your F&V. If you are not eating 5 servings of fruits and veg a day, then aim for that number. This will keep you fighting off nasty viruses. If you are eating 5, find a few places you can add more in. I always add spinach to soups I have in the fridge.
  3. Move. It doesn’t matter if you stretch in your living room while listening to this podcast, run a mile a day or simply walk to the corner or back. Find a way to move your body daily. It does not have to be a “workout!”
  4. Count your blessing. Take a look at your situation, family and fiends. Find as many amazing things in your life and be grateful for each and everyone of them.
  5. Share your knowledge. Find at least one person and without preaching, give them some inspiration for creating healthier habits themselves. Maybe it’s a meme, or a podcast or a conversation. Either way, spread the love.


Happy New Year!


If you’re looking for some more ideas on how to ramp up your healthy lifestyle in 2017 try one of our eBooks or courses:

Meal Planning Mastery – Get organized, save time, save money and enjoy meal time again. 

School Lunches – A Guide To Making It Easy and Healthy 

20 Simple Plan-Based Recipe eBook 

Get an action based plan by signing up for a consultation with Adam or Shoshana 


Thank you to this month’s Patrons for supporting us on Patreon:


Miriam Selick

Millie Pearson

Stu Dolnick


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Don’t forget to contact us at with your question for our “Hey Plant Trainers” segment!


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Do you want to create lifelong healthy eating habits for you or your family? Are you looking to help prevent heart disease, cancer and chronic diseases? Are you looking for guidance with your plant-based nutrition? We can help. If you are serious about getting results, you may be eligible for a FREE 30-minute Skype or phone consultation, where we can help you with your goals NOW. Easily book your session HERE


Subscribe to Adam’s Journey by clicking here.


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