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In: Podcast, Tips3

In today’s episode of The Plant Trainers Podcast we talk about making it happen and making the changes you want to make in your life and sticking to them. We are always trying to improve ourselves and change our habits, but it’s not always easy. On today’s show we will give you tips and share our Three Phases for Change. Throughout the years we have helped many people create new habits and maintain them. We have talked and blogged a lot about the many changes we have gone through ourselves. We know it’s not easy and can be quite scary, especially when you feel your health relies on it. Well, worry no more. We’ll help you make a plan and get to it.

We hope you enjoy the show!


In this episode we discuss:

  • Our quote of the day: “Every expert was once a beginner” ~ Helen Hayes
  • The Three Phases for making it happen: Before, During and After
  • Why?
  • Goal setting: SMART Goals
  • Start Small
  • How to set yourself up for success
  • Accountability
  • Be in the moment
  • Celebrate
  • Be careful of your conscience
  • Rachel’s Question: Hey, Plant Trainers, As a female I am worried about osteoporosis. Can weight training help?


Links to things we mentioned:

Schedule Your FREE Breakthrough Session

Adam’s YouTube Channel

T. Colin Campbell

The 4 Keys To Strong Bones

Eating Less Meat May Reduce Osteoporosis Risk, Study Shows


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3 thoughts on “Making It Happen – PTP038”
  1. Avatar daniel

    Making it happen Reflection episode 038

    I love listening to this specific podcast because it shows that if a person is committed, that person can do anything and everything that person wants too.
    “Every expert was once a beginner” – Helen Hayes. This quotes shows that everyone who became amazing or one of the best, all started at the bottom. Shoshanna Chaim mentioned that “you don’t have to have 30 years of experience” And it doesn’t matter what age you are, “You don’t need to have experience to go out and do something new”. This quote means a lot to me because when I was younger I did not want to play other sports than soccer because I had no experience and felt that I would not have fun because I’m not good at it. But then I realized that its good to try something new and that it is okay if you are not good at playing a sport new to you but you will get better and better through practice. The quote is not just for beginners in sports, but more about everything in life that is new to you, you should just try it and know that you will get better the more effort you put in to it. Another thing that I liked about the podcast and agree that you (Adam Chaim) said to “Try to avoid saying the phrase; I can’t”. The quote Chaim mentioned makes a person create a successful positive phrase (by not saying I can’t), which will change the habit that leads you to “make it happen”. Everyone can achieve anything they want but they have to put in the work and time, that’s what separates the successful people from the not-so successful people. Another way to achieve goals is to start off with baby steps (SMART FORMULA) and then make another goal to achieve that is more challenging than the other one and keep going until you are the best or one of the best. Many times during the podcast both Adam and Shoshanna Chaim mentioned to write down the goals, which I agree with because it will lead me to do what I wrote and to not change what I will do. Saying it (change what you said) is different then writing it down (on paper cannot change it). Also I agree with taking “Action Steps” such as buying a yoga mat because that person will be doing yoga, this makes a person do what he/she wrote down. Actions speak louder then words. All in all I really did enjoy listing to the podcast and I will be doing everything mentioned in the podcast such as celebrating every small victory because it will make me feel good and make me want to do more until I am satisfied. I also am very happy that the podcasts listens to others and answer their questions honestly.

    • Avatar admin

      Thanks daniel…glad you enjoyed the show! Take actions on your goals and your goals will come to life!

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