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In: Daily Musings1

April showers bring May flowers and with spring comes spring cleaning.


People all over North America are finally being inspired by the sunshine and breezy air. People are opening their windows, banging out their dusty carpets and purging the unwanted. Cleaning up has a way of making us lighter, more spiritual and excited for summer adventure. After all, you want your home, the place you live, to be clean, clutter free and all inspiring.


Spring is a time for holidays. Passover is a time where the Jewish people clean out their home looking for crumbs from the year. Then there are the 8 days where anything leavened is not allowed. Denied. Itโ€™s a time to start fresh and clean. Many Christians partake in lent. Also challenging themselves to give up something that is part of their daily life. Perhaps a way to better themselves.


Homes are important to us. We often feel that our homes represent us. We tidy up before we have company and we change the hand towels when are Mother-in-laws come over. In a way, our homes are a reflection of us.


Our bodies are homes too. In fact, many have described our bodies as temples. Places of worship. Some cultures remove their dirty footwear before entering, many choose to wear their best clothing and we all treat people and things with just a bit more respect. Like an unwritten vow to a higher power.


Spring is a time to renew vows with ourselves. A time for personal spring cleaning. Shower ourselves with love, health, exercise and all things beautiful. Letโ€™s make a vow to ourselves now.


As we walk amongst the new grass and blooming flowers, as we see the baby bunnies and raccoons following their parents; we should create something new for ourselves. A promise to keep our homes, our bodies, healthy, clean and a true representation of who we are and who we are meant to be.


What a lovely opportunity to get out and walk more. Recognizing the changes in season and allowing the cool fresh air to clear our mind and energize our soul. Take the opportunity to respect and love your friends and family. Our time with them is limited and we need to make the best of life while we are here. Allow yourselves to acknowledge the good in strangers and help people who are in need.


Fill your body with health. Fresh greens are beginning to grow all around us. Source out a local farmer and support them while fueling your body with the highest quality foods. You would not use hay or twigs to build your house, so choose the best materials to build your body. It will have a rippling effect to your heart, mind and soul.


Take the time to clean your home this spring, but please find time to make improvements and maintain those improvements in your body, the home that is most important to you.


Happy holidays, whatever you celebrate. Better yet, happy spring. Hereโ€™s to you.


Shoshana Chaim

~ Plant Trainers


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