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In: Daily Musings0

The more I think about it, the more it drives me crazy – Just a warning, I may rant a little here.

How could it be that our Education system allows our children to grow up to be FAT? The Ontario Ministry of Education mandates that all high school students in Ontario take 1 Health & Physical Education (HPE) credit during their high school career. During time of development – physically & mentally, does this make sense?

Yes, you read it correctly – I said 1 credit!

If North Americans are getting fatter every year, why would we not be encouraging our future leaders to take part in HPE courses every year of their Educational lives? We are being told to make sure we get a minimum of 30 minutes a day each week to maintain a healthy body and mind, but let’s make it difficult for our students to be able to receive it. Let’s not give them the opportunity to be in HPE classes at least 3 hours per week over 4 years of high school, when they can be in 1 HPE class 3 hours per week for 1 year (if they’re lucky) – yes this is sarcasm folks!

And what about teaching proper nutrition! Don’t even get me started on this one!

The time has come for someone to either throw over the Ministry or smack them upside the head. They need a wake up call.

What will it take for our Ministry of Education to help in the solution of childhood obesity?

The time has come…the time is NOW – Ministry of Education, if you’re reading…make it happen before we get fatter, less active and more brainwashed by food marketing!

How long will we wait for mandated HPE throughout every student’s high school career?

Please let me know…it drives me insane!

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