Watermelon season is coming in northern North America and that means you need to learn how to cut a watermelon fast! Spring and summer means you’ll have BBQ get togethers, snacks at the park and maybe some camping out.
Watermelon is refreshing, hydrating, sweet, it has antioxidants, Vitamin C and helps reduce inflammation after a workout!
I have seen some pretty elaborate handy work while cutting watermelons. One year I found this awesome picture of a mini watermelon made into a BBQ. My son and I had a great time recreating that.
I have seen watermelon cut like cookies and frosted. I love the cookie shapes, but I really don’t think it calls for sugar filled icing.
But I know that when my family is hungry, I mean hungry, I better get that melon out quickly. In the summer we swim at the cottage and that leaves us all ravenous. There can be up to 10 kids ready to bite my ankles if I don’t get some food out quickly enough.
So I have found the fastest, most effective way of how to cut a watermelon into chunks. The key is finding the right knife for the job! Watch this to see how to cut a watermelon fast!
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