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In: Daily Musings, Healthy Foods, Recipes0

Did you know that kids eat with their eyes?ย  I was getting tired of just putting lunch on the plate. I needed something to get my creative juices flowing and get my kids to eat with their eyes. They named this dish a garden bagel.

Garden BagelOur son loves Hummus. Try filling a bagel with hummus and using depth to decorate the plate. Inside the bagel whole I added green beans, chives and carrots. Around the plate I put crispy, fresh kale. There are plenty of other vegetables you can use like long slices of cucumber, eatable flowers, long slices of zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, radish, spinach, colored peppers, heirloom carrots and more!!!

I challenge you to make a garden bagel for your kids and share the picture with me. We will post some of the pictures of healthy foods for kids right here on our site!

Happy gardening!

You can also leave a beautiful bouquet beside their plates on the table. This makes children feel special and heightens their gratitude towards the food and care they receive. Check out thisย websiteย to find some of the loveliest and most vibrant flowers and bouquets to add to the meal table.

~ Plant Trainers

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